September In-Store Discounts & Coupons

More ways to save at Rochester Pet & Country Store!

Frequent Buyer Program
Rochester Pet Adoption Bundle Offer

Horse Feed Coupons

Have you ever wanted to try the #1 most researched horse feed in the industry, but didn’t know how to get started.

Purina 60 Day Challenge

Here’s how it works:

  • Feed your animal Purina Feed for 60 days
  • You’ll see the difference or Purina will buy back the feed.
  • Save an immediate $5 to $20 on Purina Feed when you sign up.
  • As a member of the Purina Difference Rewards Program you can save an additional $10-$30 throughout the year.
  • Visit: to sign up and start saving today
  • Rochester Pet & Country Store has over 15 years of experience in the horse industry. We’d love the opportunity to stop out and work with you on a feeding program to fit your horse’s needs.

Questions? Please give us a call at 507-285-5547 or stop in to either one of our stores. You can also contact us here.


Dog Food & Treats


Cat Food & Treats